Monday, 5 September 2011

Jez and Dan's Baguag Flat mix

Here's a mix Jez and me put together a few years ago when we lived together in a flat on Bagua Mountain (hill). I don't have all the track names so I've not put any on, if you want to know a specific track give me a shout.

1 comment:

  1. st two tracks; Groove Collective 'lift off' and Alice Russell 'hurry on now' are C-L-A-S-S-I-C-S. Listening to this sent me scurrying off to listen to Alice Russell's back catalogue. What an amazing voice that girl has.

    Enjoyed listening to this but surprised there wasn't room for a sneaky Beanfield track, glad to hear 'sorrow, tears and blood' on there though ; )


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