Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Diggin Selection

For those who couldn't make it to Puli's premier all-star DJ disco action here are some of the tunes that were played, and some which weren't, to a slightly bemused crowd of Taiwanese boppers. They didn't get the bpms and rolling crescendos they normally associate with the letter combination if 'd' and 'j' but we sure gave them something to shake their handbags to. Cheers to BFace and Brews for a couple o tracks.  If you want any DL shenanigans let me knows and i'll drop in ya box.


  1. Yes please on the download, I'm off to the Big Chill this weekend and will therefore be spending hours in a car; it would be nice to have some good tunes to get me in the mood.

  2. Thanks for the mix Jez, loved it. I reckon hanging out with Christy Essien and Doris Ebong in a bar in West Africa with a beer and a bag of malawi kop would be a good night. I also enjoyed the Old school house tip at the end. Nice biscuits.


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