Thursday, 13 May 2010

New Massive Attack album

I just got hold of the new Massive Attack album Heligoland and have had a couple of listens. Although I didn't like it at first, it has grown on me a little bit and I have a feeling it is going to be one of those albums that just keeps getting better and better. I just wondered if anyone else out there has it and if so what do you think of it? That's all really! Keep the good mixes coming boys !


  1. I don't have it mate, but lot of my favourite albums are the ones that didn't grab me facefirst from the off. It's usually the slow-burners that bring the most long-term joy.

    Liked the Fela mix, by the way. I now know the first tune intimately, as I kept accidentally closing the tab and having to play again from the start. The early Alzheimer's rumours have some credence.....

  2. i don't have it but feel free to give me a copy on flash next time you come out this way


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